Posts by boysanic

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Kaktwoos 2.13 announcement / testing (Message 576)
Posted 7 May 2021 by boysanic
Thanks for the report on that particular issue.

The invalids are simply because I forgot to set permissions on the validator binary on my test VM.
I didn't intend for a lot of people to continue to use it for days after we were finished with that round of testing, so I'm likely to just shut down the VM until it's time to test something else.

In particular, I was actually testing older software, nothing in "beta" or "new". It's often useful for me to see how the older software behaved in a separate environment.

Anyways, I'll shut that down for now. Sorry for any confusion.
2) Message boards : News : From sandy valleys, up to sand dune peaks. Kaktoos rises to the challenge! (Message 479)
Posted 6 Dec 2020 by boysanic
After a somewhat long hiatus, Kaktoos is coming back for another round in the ring, and this time at higher and higher heights. Many of us who contribute to the project (Minecraft@Home) got a little busy with school/work after the Pack project concluded, so I apologize on everyone’s behalf for the silence and uncertainty as of late.

As for where we left off, the y=62 search wasn’t as fruitful as we would have liked. No taller cacti had been found at this height than were found at the slightly higher height, y=63.

With the way things usually go, we would need to create an entirely new version of the program in order to run kaktoos for different heights. We started on y=63 for the original version of the program, and then changed this to y=62 for the second run of the program.

This time around, we’ve flipped the script, and different heights can now easily be run at the same time or in series, with 0 program changes. Effectively we’ll be able to get the final answers we’re looking for from the kaktoos project much easier and without as much “red tape” as there usually is with program changes due to security reasons.

What does this mean for you?

This means more kaktoos, more often, and with less breaks between runs for the foreseeable future.

There’s some limits to how many heights we can attempt since there comes a point where you simply will not find any cactus, however, we have a fair range to work with now with these new changes in play.

What now?

We’ll be launching a run of kaktoos very shortly. We’ve been testing this in beta with a height value of 64 for a short period of time to make sure that things are running as smoothly as we would like, but we’re happy to announce that we’re ready to go!

Some have offered far more support than we ever expected during this beta, which definitely surprised us! We’re grateful for everyone’s enthusiasm, even if it’s to our own disadvantage to have this run done so quickly.

For the curious, this new run will encapsulate heights of 65, 66, and 67.

That said, happy crunching! Kaktoos runs will begin soon outside of beta. Thank you all for the support and understanding over the last couple months as we work through things.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : ETA on new work? (Message 477)
Posted 17 Nov 2020 by boysanic

We've resolved that issue now, and a new round of beta work is going now.

Please let me know if you face any further problems.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Downloads Are Failing (Message 476)
Posted 17 Nov 2020 by boysanic
Howdy y'all,

We were able to work through the issue and the signatures should be patched up now.
I seem to be receiving and working through tasks on my machine as I type this.

This round of work is specifically in BETA and any bug reports would be appreciated.

Please set your expectations to match the beta state of this application. We should be through the majority of the growing pains, but there may be a straggler or two.

Thank you all for your patience.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : ETA on new work? (Message 467)
Posted 10 Nov 2020 by boysanic

We had a beta on a new version of Kaktoos during the end of the weekend, beginning of this week, and we should have a couple of news posts coming out regarding that beta and a couple of additional applications on the horizon.

I apologize for the silence lately, many of the contributors got busy with university work after the last run of work in September.

You should hear from us soon!